Sunday, July 24

Chunky Bracelets!

First post!! Here goes...

So I had these bracelet-sized, cardboard ring forms hanging around.. I can't honestly remember where they came from, but they seemed like the kind of thing craft projects are made of! So I had kept them.. Well, I decided to finally do something with one of them! This is what I came up with..

This week, everythings better with... do-it-yourself chunky bracelets!
What you'll need:
  • An old magazine
  • Paint brush
  • Mod Podge
  • A cardboard ring (like what masking tape comes wrapped around)
  • Scissors                                 
  • Ribbon

How to do it:
1.   Go through an old magazine and cut out swatches of color. Try to choose a variety of different patterns, textures, and shades of color. The more the merrier!  
2.  Cut the swatches into strips (about a quarter of an inch wide and long enough to wrap all the way around your cardboard 'bracelet form').

3.  Apply a thin layer of Mod Podge to a 2" section of the bracelet form, being sure to cover the front, back, and sides.  Wrap the strips around the form one at a time, each one slightly overlapping the previous strip so that no blank space is exposed. I chose to place mine randomly, but you could do a pattern. Make your way around the bracelet in this manner. 
Note: Its important to apply thin layers, and to let the bracelet dry between each coat of Mod Podge, otherwise the magazine strips may bubble!
4.   To clean up the inside of the bracelet, where the ends of each strip meet up.. cut a length of ribbon to fit around the inside, and apply it with Mod Podge. 
5.  Allow the ribbon to dry, then apply a final layer around the outside of the bracelet.
6.   Finally, once the bracelet has dried completly (about 10-15 mins between each coat), your free to embellish it however you choose, or leave it the way it is! Dunkin tends to think everything is better with buttons and bows, but the possibilities are endless!

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