Saturday, August 6

Inside-Out French Braids!

Some mornings there's no time to dry my hair! When that's the case, I'll just put it in a french braid, and call it a day!

Well if your like me, you get bored doing the same sort of hair style over and over (yeah- I sleep in a lot!) So I figured I would switch it up with an inside-out french braid.

..If you already know how to do a regular french braid, this will be pretty simple! Basically instead of crossing over you cross under, here's how!

1.   Start off with three pieces of hair up towards the crown of your head.

 2.   Cross the outer section of hair (yellow) under the middle (blue).
3.   Now do the same thing to the other side, crossing the outside section (red) under the middle section (now its yellow).

3. Follow this pattern, pulling loose sections of hair into the braid as you work your way down.

And that's it! Enjoy!

Dunkin says, Unfortunately his hair styles are limited- but if he could he would sport a french braid any day!
